Gathering Ground
dreamers and doers.
penny pinchers and comfortably off
skeptics and spiritually curious
Gathering Ground is a collaboration of people who listen, learn, and act together on the path to meaning (with snacks). We gather to do stuff, reflect, and connect. Creatively sharing practices together makes space for authentic questions and deep listening. Whether you encounter truth by writing, balancing rocks, walking a labyrinth, bringing water to an encampment, or reading Harry Potter, come on in.
We partner with Love Wins Love, a project that brings housed and un-housed folks together to do art and imagine solutions for housing.
Where do I find Gathering Ground?
We usually meet on first and third Sundays of the month, from 2-4 pm, at a local coffee shop or community space.
Programs are free for all to attend; donations to help meet costs are requested.
Questions? Curiosity? Email us at, find us on our website, Facebook, or Meetup, or leave a message at 206-524-2322.
Gathering Ground gratefully acknowledges start-up funding and in-kind support from University Congregational United Church of Christ, our nonprofit fiscal sponsor in these years of launching. We are an independent program sponsored by this progressive Christian Church.
Do stuff.