March 2 is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is an ancient church practice of preparation for the passion and resurrection of Jesus celebrated in Holy Week and Easter. Throughout Lent we will be focusing on Interconnectedness as Hope in a Changing Climate. There are several ways to engage this spiritual journey:
- Attend our weekly meditations led by UCUCC leaders which focus on the wonder of creation
- Worship together – online and at the Seattle campus
- Read the Earth Charter
- Follow the weekly action steps created by our Sacred Earth Matters action team
- Spend time connecting with creation!
We start our Lenten journey with the placing of ash crosses on our forehead. This is an act of confession and a reminder of the fragility of this life. We will once again be offering “Ashes to Go” at noon on the corner of 45th St. and 15th Ave. Just stop by!
If you are looking for a liturgy we invite you to check out these other progressive congregations in the U-District:
- University Lutheran Congregation – 7pm worship, masked in-person or live streamed (1604 NE 50th St,
- University Temple United Methodist Church – 6:30pm worship, zoom only (link available through the UCUCC office)
Or click here to find another UCC congregation in our conference.