No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here at University Congregational United Church of Christ. Young, old, sure of your path, or still searching --- we invite you to join us in imagining love and justice - as Jesus did - in acting to change the world.

We would love to welcome you at our in-person service each Sunday at 10 am. A digital service is also offered on line on Sunday evening at 5 pm. Our service is streamed on YouTube and Facebook. You will find the links just below this section on our home page. The weekly 5 pm service is  available on line after it is initially presented on Sundays..

We strive to walk in the path of Jesus, and to offer an authentic welcome to everyone who walks through our door or joins us online. If you are new to us, we would love to get to know you and answer your questions about our church, even if we cannot greet you in person. A member of our Welcome Committee, or a pastor, would be happy to correspond on email or talk with you on the phone. Click here to arrange for a meeting.

Our in-person worship service starts at 10 am and includes hymns, prayers, scripture reading and a sermon. It usually lasts about an hour and fifteen minute.. During the 10 am service we also offer live-streaming to a nearby room that offers those with compromised immune systems to be more isolated. We also offer a separate space for children, with supervised play and crafts during the 10 am service. Sections of the 10 am service are programed into the 5 pm digital service, which is offered as a "vespers."

Children are an important part of our community, and are welcome for all or part or the service.

UCUCC Parking Map

View for detailed Google Map.

Parking can be a challenge in the University District! Persistence, patience and an early start are keys to success.

UW has free parking on Sundays. Enter the main campus gate at NE 45th and 17th Ave NE and turn left past the toll booth. It's about a three-block walk to the church. The UW Meany Garage at 15th Ave. NE and NE 41st St. is a five-block walk.

The church also owns three parking lots - Lot A is across the street from the church on 16th Ave. E. Lot B is beneath Sortun Court, just north of the church on the east side of 16th Ave. E. (It closes at 2 p.m.) Lot C (for those with difficulty walking, young children and visitors) is at the corner of 15th NE and NE 45th St., next to the church.

If you need to be assured of a close parking spot, you can call the church office before noon on Friday to reserve one: 206-524-2322.

From time time we host lunches for people who are interested in learning more about our church and/or possibly becoming a member.  We are also happy to meet with you over coffee or at the church to explore and explain a range of topics about our church, from history, to theology, to membership. Click here to arrange a meeting with a Welcome Committee Volunteer or pastor or to set up a meeting and/or to learn when the next Welcome Lunch is planned.

Thank you for your interest in our church community.

We are an inter-generational church and strive to be family-friendly, with an active ministry for children and youth. All ages are welcome in worship. We also offer nursery and child-care, Younger children begin the 10 am service with us and usually leave after about 15 minutes. Older children have the option of leaving for a special sermon time. Junior high and high school youth meet at 9 am and then often sit together in worship. Give us a call at 206-524-2322 for more specifics or email Margaret Swanson, our Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries..

Our programs for children and youth continue during this pandemic. Sign up at the bottom of the home page to receive our Children's Ministries and/or Youth Ministries newsletter.

Hearing Impaired: Our sanctuary has an induction loop system that uses the T-Coil mode of your hearing aids. You can get the necessary equipment just before entering the Sanctuary on the right or ask any usher.

Visually Impaired: We offer each Sunday's program in large print for easier readability.

Wheelchair Access: The front entry is wheelchair accessible as are the rest rooms. Please don't hesitate to ask for assistance.

I spent the first year of the pandemic building a brick labyrinth in the garden area of my farm. To call it a “garden area” is generous. It is a fenced off area and had brick paths and raised beds where crops of weeds would grow every year. Occasionally I coaxed some zucchini or tomatoes to come forth, but mostly it was weeds.

Finally the raised beds began deteriorating, and I knew I had to do something different with that space. I was fooling myself thinking it would ever be a garden. Somewhere in that time of wondering “What next?” the idea of a brick labyrinth was born.

I had originally planned it to be a group project. I drew up some plans, deconstructed the “garden,” and talked to some friends about having a labyrinth building weekend. Maybe in April?

Then, of course, the lockdown came, and the labyrinth became my three dimensional brick puzzle. It took about a year to build. You can read more about that by searching this blog for “The Brick Puzzle.”

These days my task is no longer building the labyrinth, but tending it. This “tending” work has surprised me in two ways. The first is in how much tending the labyrinth actually needs. Although I put down a weed barrier under the gravel and bricks, I can’t stop the opportunistic surface seeds from landing and taking root. Those seeds and the weeds they produce are tenacious little rascals. They appear practically overnight. They grow on the path and in the borders between the bricks. They are everywhere.

So for the last six months since the labyrinth was finished I find myself regularly out there fighting the weeds. I also trim back the wild rose in the southwest corner that shades the dogs and likes to grow into the labyrinth space as well. And speaking of dogs, since they spend time in the same area as the labyrinth, well, there is cleanup involved there too.

Labyrinths require tending.

The second thing that has surprised me is how much I am enjoying this tending of my labyrinth. I have developed a habit of walking it as I tend it, making my route less “section-by-section functional” weed removal and more “circular and contemplative” weed removal. Each time I make this care-giving circuit, I notice something new, or remember something old. The way the light plays with the different shades in the bricks. The way the bricks came together when I first laid them. How I tried and tried to get the gravel and the bricks level, and the places where I failed. That day Don Hill and I found the piece of stucco facade in the construction rubble as the University Christian Church came down. The way it found its place as a labyrinth stone.

Because walking a labyrinth can be a spiritual practice, of course tending a labyrinth can be as well. These are lessons every gardener knows, I imagine, but as mentioned above, I am not a gardener. I am, however, a labyrinth geek. And so just as I have come to love walking the labyrinth as a spiritual practice, I love these labyrinth tending lessons as well. I see how easy it is for me to think of my spiritual journey as a thing to be finished rather than something to be tended. I notice how quickly other concerns and urgencies can grow up in places I had designed for clearness. I observe how what I thought would be just mundane chores become blessing in themselves. And, as always, I am invited to remember the to centrality of “right here, right now.”

I’m sure there is much more. Of course there is.

The labyrinth, which looked so new and clean when I first built it, now looks like it has been there a long time. I imagine that’s at least in part because all the bricks are repurposed. They’ve been here before, just arranged in a different shape. But I think it is also in part because the labyrinth is settling in, and I’m settling in as well. The path is there. The weeds will grow. I’ll walk. I’ll tend. I’ll walk.