No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here at University Congregational United Church of Christ. Young, old, sure of your path, or still searching --- we invite you to join us in imagining love and justice - as Jesus did - in acting to change the world.

We would love to welcome you at our in-person service each Sunday at 10 am. A digital service is also offered on line on Sunday evening at 5 pm. Our service is streamed on YouTube and Facebook. You will find the links just below this section on our home page. The weekly 5 pm service is  available on line after it is initially presented on Sundays..

We strive to walk in the path of Jesus, and to offer an authentic welcome to everyone who walks through our door or joins us online. If you are new to us, we would love to get to know you and answer your questions about our church, even if we cannot greet you in person. A member of our Welcome Committee, or a pastor, would be happy to correspond on email or talk with you on the phone. Click here to arrange for a meeting.

Our in-person worship service starts at 10 am and includes hymns, prayers, scripture reading and a sermon. It usually lasts about an hour and fifteen minute.. During the 10 am service we also offer live-streaming to a nearby room that offers those with compromised immune systems to be more isolated. We also offer a separate space for children, with supervised play and crafts during the 10 am service. Sections of the 10 am service are programed into the 5 pm digital service, which is offered as a "vespers."

Children are an important part of our community, and are welcome for all or part or the service.

UCUCC Parking Map

View for detailed Google Map.

Parking can be a challenge in the University District! Persistence, patience and an early start are keys to success.

UW has free parking on Sundays. Enter the main campus gate at NE 45th and 17th Ave NE and turn left past the toll booth. It's about a three-block walk to the church. The UW Meany Garage at 15th Ave. NE and NE 41st St. is a five-block walk.

The church also owns three parking lots - Lot A is across the street from the church on 16th Ave. E. Lot B is beneath Sortun Court, just north of the church on the east side of 16th Ave. E. (It closes at 2 p.m.) Lot C (for those with difficulty walking, young children and visitors) is at the corner of 15th NE and NE 45th St., next to the church.

If you need to be assured of a close parking spot, you can call the church office before noon on Friday to reserve one: 206-524-2322.

From time time we host lunches for people who are interested in learning more about our church and/or possibly becoming a member.  We are also happy to meet with you over coffee or at the church to explore and explain a range of topics about our church, from history, to theology, to membership. Click here to arrange a meeting with a Welcome Committee Volunteer or pastor or to set up a meeting and/or to learn when the next Welcome Lunch is planned.

Thank you for your interest in our church community.

We are an inter-generational church and strive to be family-friendly, with an active ministry for children and youth. All ages are welcome in worship. We also offer nursery and child-care, Younger children begin the 10 am service with us and usually leave after about 15 minutes. Older children have the option of leaving for a special sermon time. Junior high and high school youth meet at 9 am and then often sit together in worship. Give us a call at 206-524-2322 for more specifics or email Margaret Swanson, our Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries..

Our programs for children and youth continue during this pandemic. Sign up at the bottom of the home page to receive our Children's Ministries and/or Youth Ministries newsletter.

Hearing Impaired: Our sanctuary has an induction loop system that uses the T-Coil mode of your hearing aids. You can get the necessary equipment just before entering the Sanctuary on the right or ask any usher.

Visually Impaired: We offer each Sunday's program in large print for easier readability.

Wheelchair Access: The front entry is wheelchair accessible as are the rest rooms. Please don't hesitate to ask for assistance.

      It is Tuesday morning, and I have set out for my weekly walk from my Capitol Hill home to the UW campus, today crossing the Montlake bridge, returning via the University bridge. For many years, I stopped first at my son-in-law’s home to fetch my grand-dog, Harper, a taffy-colored golden retriever, who loved people even more than other dogs. At the moment, I am walking up the south part of campus, the University Hospital behind me, and am heading toward “Frosh Pond” officially Drumheller Fountain. (In past years, did upper classmen really toss freshmen into the pond?) The fountain is high as it is able to go, and I imagine it carrying me up toward the heavens with it.  Up toward the heavens has a special meaning for me now, because I am walking alone. Harper had a stroke this summer; she has gone to wherever pets go after serving a life of loving humans and receiving love from us in return. As I walk across this lower grassy lawn usually populated heavily by honking geese, I remember pulling aggressively at Harper‘s leash to keep her next to me instead of pursuing– not the geese, but goose poop– which was like toffee candy to Harper.  This morning all is quiet, and I wonder by this vacant lawn if someone from the University has chased off the geese because tomorrow is the first day of classes for fall quarter, and everything has to be pristine, that is, sans goose poop.  Reaching the shrubs around the pond I have my answer. An enormous Swensen’s hawk lands on the boxwood hedge, an imaginative hire by UW clean-up crew hoping to disperse ducks and geese.

Harper loved to walk through campus when the students were here, because they would often come up to ask my permission to pet my dog.  No doubt, that touch reminded them of a dog back home whom they dearly missed.  As I said, golden retrievers, love people even more than other dogs, so Harper lapped up the attention of the students even more than savoring goose poop on the green lawn below the fountain.

      Now walking alone and thinking of Harper, each particular place holds a memory of our friendship. When we walked across from the University Hospital to lower campus, we would always pause while I took out a doggy treat for her. It only took doing so twice before Harper realized this should be a ritual with all the expectation of a birthday or Christmas. Harper obediently sat down by a bench after crossing Pacific Avenue and would not move until I offered the treat.  Curses to me if I had none left in my pocket. I feel treat crumbs in that pocket even today..

     Memories can lean heavily on our hearts when we miss someone we love. Today I realize that muscles help with heavy things, and one of our strongest muscles is the heart. One of the most resilient muscles, the heart can hold a lot of weight, especially if assisted by memory and the mind.

     I am now at the age where many of those I have loved are dying. With a kind of dark humor, I told my husband that it seemed as if every weekend used to be a baby or a wedding shower. Now it is a memorial service. Even for those friends who have not left the earth, I am aware of their mortality, as well as my own. We have couples friends where one is near death, and we ask how the other can carry a full life forward. The weight will be held not with biceps, but with that strong muscle of the heart. The gift of the mind lives alongside the heart and helps us remember at the same time we grieve a loved one, even a beloved pet.

     I chuckle in April, as we are preparing our tax forms and decrying how high the taxes seem to be this year. Soon, my husband always turns to me and says, “I don’t mind paying taxes. It means that we made a profit this year.” Perhaps there is a connection here that we can embrace loss knowing that life has been a profitable investment. Even last month when I received a text from my twenty-year-old grandson, telling me that Harper would like me to come over and say goodbye, I petted Harper and offered her a treat that she declined. Then I held in my grandmother arms, my grandson, almost a foot taller than I am, while we wept together.  This too is a treasured memory that I am walking with today as I continue on a familiar path back up Capitol Hill to my home.