Our life together as a community of faith
Sunday mornings at University UCC give us the opportunity to joyfully worship God, and to strengthen the bonds between us that make a true community. And those bonds carry us through the week, as we actively support and care for each other in many ways.
Fun and fellowship
We take our faith journeys seriously, but we also like to have some serious fun along the way. Breakfast before worship, plenty of good coffee, potlucks and special programs. Events throughout the year find us eating and laughing together and enjoying the companionship of a loving, non-judgmental community. Find out more about these events in the Calendar and What’s up now sections.
Through joys and sorrows
We also accompany each other when life gets tough. Our Befrienders Ministry of volunteers provides a caring presence for those who need someone to listen. We make meals for each other, help out when people are sick, Anyone can volunteer to be part of the Prayer Chain, which offers up prayers of joy and supplication for anyone who asks.
Calling and engagement
Through our Calling and Engagement Ministry, we strive to provide an extravagant welcome to all who walk through our doors. We greet each person on Sunday mornings with a handshake, and reach out to new people with an invitation to a monthly Inquirers Lunch to get to know us better. Learn more about this in the New Here? tab at the top of this page. This Ministry also helps people identify and live into their specific call, and supports Parish Care activities such as meals and visits to people who need them.
Drawing the circle wide
Our care for our immediate church community also extends to those around us where immediate parish care intersects with our Love and Justice Ministry. Thus, we are involved in Teen Feed and local Homelessness initiatives, and provide financial assistance through our Parish Care fund to meet emergency needs.
To care for and pray for each other, in trials of the spirit and in times of joy…