Connecting to the Divine through the arts
A four-year old looks up to see stars dancing within softly projected light. Their heart fills with wonder. A 75-year old feels the Spirit within as he watches bodies moving nearby, gracefully turning, arms swirling, to an insistent drumbeat.
The arts have the power to reach into our souls and move us in ways that logic and discourse alone cannot.
We are fortunate to have a group of parishioners – the Creativity Council for the Liturgical Arts – focused on ways to enhance our experience of the Divine by filling our spaces and our worship itself with Liturgical Art. They are led by Nadine Santo Pietro, a retired teacher who has spent most of her career as the Integrated Arts specialist (Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Dance) in an elementary school, helping people learn about the Arts and learn through the Arts. In addition to Nadine, Creativity Council members include Debra Jarvis (Writer-in-Residence), Pamela Bezona, Kris Garratt, and Lori VanderBilt.
Liturgical arts projects often involve participation by members of the congregation in creating banners, collages, stained glass panels or other artwork.
Through the efforts of the Creativity Council for the Liturgical Arts, several guest artists have joined us for special projects including drama, dance and mask-making.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth
Liturgical arts are essential to our spiritual growth, and have their roots in creation itself. Creating, participating in or appreciating art is to be transformed by it, and so to be transformed by God. Art breathes life into prayer, worship, theological reflection and the work of justice. It is a gateway to imagination, opening our souls to the mystery of creation in all its varied expression. Whether we are moved by wonder at an image, or stimulated to reflect more deeply as we participate in creating a new project, the liturgical arts have the power to deepen our faith and bring us closer to God.
Artistic expression in many forms
The visual arts (photography, painting, sculpture, fiber arts, collage), movement and dance, and the written or spoken word are some of the other ways that we express, explore and experience our faith. The images below show liturgical arts projects that have graced our church over the last several years. Click on any image below to enlarge it.
Are you interested in assisting with a Liturgical Arts project?
Contact the Creativity Council by email, or call the church office.
The Liturgical Arts Endowment
A fund to support on-going liturgical arts projects was established in 2018. It purpose is to support the continued existence and the future growth of artistic expression through visual arts, movement and dance, and the written and spoken word. Before the establishment of this fund, there was no dedicated source of income for these artistic expressions. (Ongoing support of music is supported by dedicated funds in the annual budget and from other endowments. Learn more about our music program here.)
To contribute in support of this work, send a check to the church office with “Liturgical Arts Endowment” in the memo line, give via your MyUCUCC account, or make a secure online gift here by selecting the Liturgical Arts Endowment from the drop-down menu.
To include the Liturgical Arts Endowment in your estate planning, please contact Kyna Shilling, Director of Finance and Operations by email at or call the church office.
Using the beauty and mystery of the Divine to nourish, transform and inspire…