Leadership and governance at University UCC
Other decisions, including matters of finance and policy are made by the Church Council in consultation with the leadership team. In addition to the church officers, each of the five church ministries is represented on the Council. When the Council makes a decision, it is understood to be acting on behalf of the entire congregation.
Rev. Amy Roon
Minister of Vision and Stewardship (MVS)
Rev. Michael Ellick
Minister of Worship and Care (MWC)
Rev. Steve Jerbi, n/OEF
Minister of Christian Formation, Love and Justice (MCFLJ)
The Church Council and our five ministries
Our goal is to live out our call in the world as Christians. In order to accomplish this we have organized ourselves into five ministries: Worship and Music, Love and Justice, Christian Education, Calling and Engagement, and Stewardship and Finance.
The Church Council provides oversight for the work of these five ministries. Current membership of the Council is listed below. All church council members and alternates welcome communication from the congregation. However, to protect their privacy, their contact information can be most easily be obtained through the online resource MyUCUCC or by using the printed church directory. Or you can send an email to info@universityucc.org with the message and person you wish to reach. Church staff will forward your message to the appropriate person.
- Moderator, Br. Stephan Gerhardt
- Assistant Moderator, Tamara Roberts
- Treasurer, David Glick
- Secretary, Mary Sue Galvin
- Racial Justice Representative, Ginger Warfield
- At-Large Representative, Virginia Felton
- At-Large Representative, Kathryn Robinson
- Director of Finance and Operations, Kyna Shilling Email Kyna
- Pastor Amy Roon Email Amy
- Pastor Steve Jerbi Email Steve
- Pastor Michael Ellick Email Michael
Worship & Music Ministry
- Margaret Stine, Worship and Music Representative
Christian Education & Spiritual Growth Ministry
- Eleanor Jerbi, Christian Formation Representative
Calling, Engagement & Community Ministry
- George Vestal, Calling, Community & Engagement Representative
- Jan Von Lehe, Calling, Community & Engagement Alternate
Love & Justice Ministry
- Carol Nelson, Love and Justice Representative
Stewardship & Administration Ministry
- Kathy Williams, Stewardship Administration Representative
Further information about church governance and each ministry is available in the Resources Section.